Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Hill

Was just going through some old school stuff, and I found this poem and i forgot how proud I was of it. Hope you Enjoy it.

In the beginning of our journey

We are all blessed with the ability to love.

Given a heart, with no cracks.

Stars glistening in our eyes,

A brand new world waiting to be explored.

Spending the days standing

In an open field

Arms outstretched, feeling

As if you could fly.

The feeling of being

Invincible overtakes you.

You begin to run as fast as your little

legs will allow.

Your hair blowing behind you

Wind pressing against your body.

Looking ahead at the top of the hill.

Springing forward you leap

Quickly realizing, you indeed can’t fly.

Terror grows as you begin to fall, fast.

Hitting your head on the ground.

Your body rolling down that hill.

Reaching the bottom – broken, hurt, defeated.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Help Haiti? Help Hunger?

Now before I begin this post I would like to send my sympathy to all those struggling out in Haiti, and all my best wishes that the rest can stay safe and move on. And in no way shape or form do i disregard how serious and how horrible this natural disaster is for the people in Haiti.

Now we are all entitled to our own opinions so keep that in mind, this is just some stuff that has been on my mind since news of Haiti funding has struck.

Now yes the people in Haiti do need help, but why does it seem that the only thing that the government is on board with funding is when the media is taking it over. Okay, look at it this way. Everyone sees this horrible disaster and so people jump into fund raise and help out these people, which is perfectly fine.

But look away from the camera lense, away from the media, what about the 15 million children that die each year of hunger? Why dont they have funding like this that doesn't have to be negotiated. Why is something just as deadly tucked away in files while the media issues get publicized all over the internet, television broadcasting telethon like shows to raise money, when do the people who starve to death not get a show like this, cuz I've never seen one. And why are the shows dedicated to help a staving child on so late that no one would ever really see them.

It just baffles me that this suffering happens every single day of every single year, does something have to happen like and earthquake for us to come together and help someone?

Please don't get me wrong, Haiti must be having a horrible time, but i think we as a nation need to get our priorities straight, and not jump in when something is publicized

Sunday, January 24, 2010

And To My Title

A Young Man came to the Old Man seeking counsel.
I broke something, Old Man.
How badly is it broken?
It's in a million little pieces.
I'm afraid I can't help you.

There's nothing you can do.

It can't be fixed.

It's broken beyond repair. It's in a million little pieces.

Quote from the book A million Little pieces by James Frey.